
ELI5 - What is the point of a filibuster? Even if the vote is delayed, it will still be passed/rejected eventually...

A filibuster is a Senate tactic that allows a minority to extend debate and block a vote, often used strategically as the session nears its end, when delaying a vote long enough can prevent it from being addressed. Unique to the Senate due to its rules permitting unlimited debate, filibusters let minorities exert influence and force compromises when they lack the numbers to defeat a bill outright. They're especially effective when not all senators are present, as prolonging debate can buy time to gather a majority or sway opponents through negotiations. Opponents who don't feel strongly about a bill may concede to free up time for more pressing issues. Wasting time is a powerful tool as the session's end approaches, making every minute crucial and pressuring opponents to compromise rather than risk losing their entire legislative agenda. This makes the filibuster a controversial yet potent method, enabling a small group to block or alter legislation that might otherwise pass easily.

By Alex 2 months ago