
ELI5 - Can someone explain how race is a social construct, and not genetic?

Race is a social construct without genetic basis; no genetic marker is unique to any racial group like "white" or "black." The greatest human genetic variation exists in Sub-Saharan Africa, yet its diverse populations are broadly categorized as "black." While genes influence traits like skin color and hair texture, these do not align with racial categories, which were visually based constructs from the 17th century, predating genetics. Social and political forces, like the U.S.'s "one drop rule," have shaped these categories, which have evolved over time, further proving that race is a fluid, historically contingent social construct, not a biological reality.

By Alex 2 months ago


ELI5 - Can someone explain how race is a social construct, and not genetic?

Race classifies people based on visible traits like skin color, which don’t align with underlying genetic variation. For example, genetic studies have shown that 85-90% of human genetic variation exists within any given population, not between different populations labeled as different "races." Populations in neighboring regions blend gradually, with no sharp genetic boundaries, making racial divisions arbitrary. The Human Genome Project found no gene or set of genes unique to any racial group, disproving the idea of genetically distinct races. Historical definitions of race have changed drastically, such as how Irish and Italians were once considered separate "races" in the U.S., reflecting social, not biological, distinctions.

By drollparadox7655 2 months ago